Benefits of a Russian Manicure
Russian manicures not only create an impressive nail appearance, but are long-term. Plus they promote healthier nails!
As opposed to traditional manicures, Russian manicures don’t involve water/solution soaks or clipping or pushing back cuticles – instead an expert uses an electric file with a tiny e-file headpiece to gently clean and trim cuticles.
1. Longer-Lasting
Because your nails have been so meticulously prepared and hydrated, the polish can stay closer to the nail bed, enabling a more precise paint job by your nail artist and lasting longer than regular manicures.
Technique also extends the durability of nail polish by sealing over cuticles to keep water or bacteria out, protecting from entering nails and ruining finishes. Therefore, it is vital that a salon adheres to stringent hygiene standards with its tools sterilized regularly.
Techs trained to administer Russian manicures are highly experienced at using an electric file safely without causing damage or infection, and it may be wise to visit a salon that offers additional features like nail art to extend its lasting beauty.
2. No Toxic Products
Russian manicures differ from traditional nail treatments in that instead of using water to soak your nails in, or cuticle pushers to trim away extra skin, they use electric nail bits to gently clean/detail/remove existing polish from your nails and clean off existing polish layer by layer. According to Jin Soon Choi of non-toxic 21-free nail polish brand JINsoon this helps maximize nail wellbeing, particularly among those suffering from brittleness or thinness in the nails.
Choi also points out that her method eliminates the use of emery boards and water, both of which could potentially harm cuticles. She states: “[Instead,] all steps of this process are completed on dry nails which drastically decreases any risk for bacterial or fungal infections.”
As with any nail service, it is vitally important to seek out an experienced technician who performs regular sterilization and offers premium products. Choi warns that an improper manicure could result in visible degradation within just days; aggressive filing or neglect to dehydrate nails being among them.
3. Less Time in the Chair
This multi-step process is tailored to each client’s nail health needs. Specifically designed to address brittleness, hangnails or thin nails.
E-filers are used to gently strip away extra cuticle layer from beneath nail plates without cutting or damaging either cuticles or surrounding skin. Kars uses high-quality e-files that require special skill to operate; she sterilizes her tools after each use to maintain strict infection control protocol.
Cutting cuticles can expose our bodies to bacteria and germs that could potentially lead to infections, so it is wise to visit a qualified nail technician when getting your Russian manicure. Contrary to popular belief, becoming a certified nail master takes years of education and experience – unlike what may be shown on social media videos such as TikTok.
4. Less Risk of Infection
The Russian manicure forgoing the traditional nail-soaking step that exposes them to bacteria and fungus growth. Instead, a manicurist uses an electric file to push back cuticle and clean nail bed surface.
But aggressive manipulation of cuticles puts your nails at risk of infection, according to dermatologist Hadley King. She says “Cuticles act as a protective barrier for the nail bed; when they’re disturbed they allow bacteria and fungus to gain entry,” telling PEOPLE.
To minimize your risk of infection, look for a salon with only experienced and highly-knowledgeable nail technicians. According to Malikova, her technicians must graduate from Profi Nails and possess years of experience before passing an intensive test to join their team. Malikova recommends asking each technician about their background – like how long they have been practicing or whether or not they regularly provide Russian manicures.